System 3 Group | Your IT Services Partner Tel:+91.11.41716194/95, Fax: +91.11.2984.2427
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Your Perfect Partner
Specific Services, Comprehensive Solutions

System3 comprises of distinct practice areas. Individually, each practice area can provide a solution in itself, but also at the same time be a part of a larger solution. Together, the practice areas can leverage best practices and specialized knowledge to provide a comprehensive solution for your organization. Whichever way you choose, System3 is poised to implement quality and create real IT investment returns for your business.

We offer a broad range of services, starting from basic implementations to converging applicaiton areas, for a brief detail on each of our service areas, please use the links below.

  • Helpdesk on demand and Full time Support
  • Network Design & Implementation
  • Email & Application Hosting services
  • Co-Location / Dedicated Server Hosting Services
  • Enterprise Messaging Services
  • Consulting Services

If you need more information on how we can help you with your service requirements, please feel free to email us at, or call +91.11.4171.6498.

White Papers

Storage space is becoming cheaper. Back in the old days a Hard Disk that could hold 10 Gigabytes of data costed more than the 400 GB hard disks available today. This price drop has made enterprises sit up and watch the storage requirements seriouslly. System3 offers some out of the box storage solutions, as well as custom integrated solutions, that can help you make sure, you dont' loose any data. To get this white paper, please click here.